Color Options

Heading Color


Content Color


Accent Links Color

Option 1 (Current Promenade Theme Settings - Your Logo Image Edit with Arial + Content - Font - Raleway + Lora)

This is the current Promenade Theme Setting ↓
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. (just some dummy text with all the 27 letters of the alphabet)

Singer • Broadcaster

← Logo's got - Arial Heading Bold (Image)

← Singer • Broadcaster - Raleway

This is Raleway Heading

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. (just some dummy text with all the 27 letters of the alphabet)
Notes: (Paragraph – Lora Font)

Option 2 (Your Logo Image Edit with Arial Font + Content Font - Raleway + Arial similar - Libre Franklin)

This is the libre franklin font   ↓

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. (just some dummy text with all the 27 letters of the alphabet)

Singer • Broadcaster

←Logo's got - Arial Heading Bold (Image)

Singer • Broadcaster - Raleway (Text)

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. (just some dummy text with all the 27 letters of the alphabet)
 Notes: (Paragraph – Libre Franklin Font – Arial not available in promenade -theme)

Option 1 - Promenade Default Combination

Site Title

Heading Fonts - Raleway

(Content - Paragraph - Lora Font)

Option 2 - Combination

Site Title - Libre Franklin

Site Navigation ( Libre Franklin)

Heading Fonts - Libre franklin

Content - Paragraph ( Libre Franklin ) - Arial Not available in theme (most similar to Arial is Libre Franklin)